William Perkin CE High school in Greenford has celebrated excellent A-Level results in its rapidly growing 6th form despite the less positive national picture of top-end grades being cut.
23% of students achieved top A & A* grades in a school where the majority subjects are Science and Maths. 18 students achieved the impressive feat of straight A*/A across all 3 subjects the majority of whom were studying a combination of STEM subjects (Science / Maths/ Computing),
Once again William Perkin also achieved Oxbridge success in Maths and positive progression to competitive courses in medicine and engineering. Top scorer amongst these was Bobby Kearney who achieved 3 A* in Maths, Physics and Economics. Bobby will be going on to study mechanical engineering at UCL. Other star students include Ibrahim Akak - who secured a place studying maths at Trinity college Cambridge having achieved an impressive 5 passes at A/A* in STEM subjects - and Charlie Cooper, who secured a place studying history at Jesus college Cambridge. 4 William Perkin students will be going on to read medicine next year thanks to their stellar results: Megan Sargent, Jemma Bulsara, Sharisse Bellamy and Amina Zafar, who are going to Leicester, Nicosia, Brighton & Sussex and Imperial respectively.
Headteacher Amy Newman commented : ‘William Perkin’s 6th form has been a significant success story and has grown rapidly as a result. We are really proud to have been able to support students onto the most ambitious university courses – particularly this year given the instability over grading ‘