William Perkin Church of England High School has an agreed admission number of 200 students for entry into Year 7. The school will accordingly admit 200 students in the relevant age group each year if sufficient applications are received. All applicants will be admitted if 200 or fewer apply.

These arrangements and the criteria listed below are reviewed annually by the governing body, and should not be regarded as binding for future years.

Applications for the 20 Language Scholarship places should be made by completing the Language Scholarship application form which can be found on the school website. All applicants, including those of no faith, wishing to apply for a place at the school must fill in their home local authority’s Common Application Form. When applying on behalf of a Looked After Child or Previously Looked After Child (see definitions below), applicants must ensure they indicate this clearly on the Common Application Form. 

Of the 200 places available:

180 are designated as General places

20 are designated as Language Scholarship places

Arrangements for applications for the remaining 180 places will be made solely in accordance with the Local Authority’s co-ordinated admission arrangements and should be made on the Home Local Authority Common Application Form.

Kindly note that we do not have a separate application form (SIF) - simply apply via your Home Local Authority Common Application Form only.

The Academy Trust will use Ealing Council’s timetable for applications each year, which fits in with the timetable for the co-ordination of admission arrangements within London. The application deadline is 31st October.

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For entry into Year 7 in September 2025, the determined admissions arrangements (entrance criteria) can be found below.

All applicants will be admitted if 200 or fewer apply. Oversubscription criteria will be applied if more than 200 apply. The admissions arrangements for entry into Year 7 in September 2025 includes 20 Specialist Language Scholarship Places. 

Year 7 Admission Arrangements for 2025/26

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Parent(s) who have applied for a Language Place must also fill in their home local authority's Common Application Form. Arrangements for applications for the remaining places will be made solely in accordance with the Local Authority’s co-ordinated admission arrangements and should be made on the Home Local Authority Common Application Form. The Academy Trust will use Ealing Council’s timetable for applications each year, which fits in with the timetable for the co-ordination of admission arrangements within London. The application deadline is 31st October 2024. Further information on applying for a High School place can be found on Ealing Council's website here.

Deadlines & Key Dates

  • Friday, 27th September 2024 at 12 noon.​: Specialist Language Application Deadline( closed)
  • Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 4.00pm: Specialist Language assessment day after 4:00pm at William Perkin School CofE High School
  • Friday, 11th October 2024 after 4.00pmSpecialist Language assessment results communicated to parents & carers
  • 31st October 2024: Common application form (CAF) to be submitted to your Local Authority, listing William Perkin as a preferred school choice,

Unsuccessful applicants have a statutory right to appeal for a place at the Academy. See details in Appeals tab. Appeals will be heard by a panel which is independent of the Academy and the Governors.

Sixth Form Admission Arrangements for Entry 2025/26

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The online Sixth Form Application Form for Entry 2025 will be published here after the Sixth Form Open Evening in November 2024. Please note that we do not accept paper Sixth Form applications. The closing date for William Perkin Sixth Form Entry 2025 applications for all students is 2nd December 2024. Applications submitted for William Perkin after this date will not be accepted. 

NOTE: Please note External applicants who do not fall into Priority 1 or 2 of the second allocation of places, as referred to in the “Entrance Criteria for William  Perkin Sixth Form Academic Year 2025-26”, and who have applied by the 2nd December deadline will be invited to undertake relevant pre-admissions tests in early January for the purpose of determining conditional offers for these students. William Perkin CofE High School will ensure that all pre-admissions testing will provide fair and objective measures of aptitude. Please refer to in the “Sixth Form Admissions Timeline Entry 2025' for more information.




William Perkin Church of England High School opened its Sixth Form in September 2018. We are inviting applications from both internal and external students to join our Sixth Form at William Perkin CofE High School. William Perkin has a thriving Sixth Form and we offer a wide range of A-Level courses. Making decisions about the next stage of your education is both exciting and challenging. Exciting in the sense that you can now focus on the areas of study that will lead to success and enjoyment. Challenging, because you need to make an informed decision, which will open career options for the future. Preference is given to students who attended the school in Yrs 7-11 followed by students currently in Year 11 in other Trust schools and then from other schools in the wider community.

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William Perkin Sixth form-Entry 2025 application form has closed now. The closing date for William Perkin Sixth Form Entry 2025 applications for all students was Monday 2nd December 2024. Applications submitted for William Perkin after this date will not be accepted.

The Sixth Form application for 2025 Entry must be submitted through the online application. Please be advised we will not be accepting paper applications.

Below are the confirmed admissions arrangements for the William Perkin Sixth Form (entry in September 2025).

Sixth Form Admission Arrangements for Entry 2025/26

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Sixth Form Application Pack - Entry 2025/26

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Before completing your form, please ensure that you have the following information to hand:

  1. Applicant details and contact information
  2. Parent(s)/carer(s) details and contact information
  3. Current school (including Head of Year 11 contact details)
  4. Previous and current courses of study (including grades already achieved and predicted grades for current courses of study)
  5. Sixth Form course choices (please review the Course Guide included in this Open Evening pack or available on our website)

Upon completion of the electronic application form, you will receive an automated receipt via email. You will also be able to save your application as a PDF and print it - we strongly encourage you to do both. If for any reason you do not receive a confirmation email, are experiencing technical difficulties or you wish to amend your course selections, please email [email protected] with your application ID number, full name and date of birth. If you submit more than one application, we will accept your most recent submission as your active application.


Block A Block B Block C Block D
Chemistry Biology Biology Biology
Computer Science Business Studies Business Studies Further Maths
English Language Chemistry Chemistry Mathematics
History Economics Economics Physics
Mathematics English Literature                             French Politics
Physical Education                 Geography Mathematics Psychology
Psychology German

Mathematics for Further Maths students

Religion, Philosophy and Ethics
  Physics Sociology  


General Entry Requirements

• To start an A Level programme of 3 A Levels, you need to pass at least 8 GCSEs including Maths and English with a grade 5, equivalent or better.

• To start an A Level programme of 4 A Levels, you need to pass at least 8 GCSEs including Maths and English with an average GCSE grade score of 7.5 or better (equivalent to roughly half of your grades at 7 and half at 8).

William Perkin Sixth form Pre-Admissions Testing

Applicants from outside William Perkin CofE High School (“external applicants”) who do not fall into Priority 1 or 2, as referred to in the Entrance Criteria Policy, and who have applied by the December deadline will be invited to undertake relevant pre-admissions tests.

General Pre-Admissions Testing: all external applicants who do not fall into Priority 1 or 2 and who have applied by the December deadline will be required to sit a general aptitude test based on verbal reasoning and Maths aptitude.

Language Pre-Admissions Testing: In addition to the general aptitude test, external applicants who do not fall into Priority 1 or 2 and who have applied by the December deadline and who have chosen options in French or German  will be expected to sit a Language aptitude test.

Please tick the pre-admissions test(s) that are applicable to your application on the online application form.

A minimum of 30 conditional offers will be made on the outcome of these tests, based on the highest performance in each category of pre-admissions tests as follows:

• A minimum of 20 conditional offers will be issued from the General Pre-Admissions Test;

• A minimum of 10 conditional offers will be issued from the Language Pre-Admissions Test.

Late Applicants for Entry September 2025

Late applications (any application submitted after the closing deadline) submitted through the electronic admissions system will not be reviewed.

If you are interested in attending the William Perkin Sixth Form, you will need to visit the school on National GCSE Results Day 2025, between the hours of 12:00- 4:00pm with an official copy of your GCSE results as well as a form of identification. As enrolment will be taking place for on-time applicants who received conditional offers, members of the Sixth Form team may not be able to meet with you individually to discuss your application, however, you will be required to complete a pre-enrolment form that will be considered.

Please note that we are unable to confirm the likelihood of enrolment. Placement is determined by meeting both the general and individual entrance requirements, as well as a subscription to course selection.



Admissions to Year 7

Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admission number, applications will be considered against the criteria below. After admitting pupils with statements of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan, where the Academy is named, the criteria will be applied in the following order:

Oversubscription Criteria

a) Looked after children and children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to adoption, a child arrangements order, or special guardianship order, including children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. See Note 1.

b) 20 places for children showing an aptitude for language. Places will be allocated in order of ranked assessment score. See Language Scholarship Admissions Criteria set out below.

c) Children with a sibling already on-roll at the Academy who will be on-roll when the child is admitted. See Note 2.

d) Children attending The Edward Betham Church of England Primary School for whom William Perkin Church of England High School is the nearest maintained high school or academy. See Note 3.

e) Children attending Horsenden Primary School for whom William Perkin Church of England High School is the nearest maintained high school or academy See Note 3.

f) Children for whom William Perkin Church of England High School is the nearest maintained high school or academy. See Note 3.

g) Other children, with priority given to those living closest to the school. See Note 3


In the event of oversubscription in any of the above criteria, priority will be given to those living nearest to the academy measured in a straight line from a point in the property of the child’s home address (including flats) to the main entrance of the school, using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system. In the rare event that applicants’ distance measurements are exactly the same, in blocks of flats for instance, the place will be allocated randomly.


1. Governors will ask for written evidence from the responsible agencies. A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989). Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order immediately following having been looked after. Adopted children are those who were adopted under the Adoption Act 1976 (see section 12 adoption orders) and children who were adopted under the Adoption and Children’s Act 2002 (see section 46 adoption orders). Child arrangements orders are defined in s.8 of the Children Act 1989, as amended by s.12 of the Children and Families Act 2014. Child arrangements orders replace residence orders and any residence order in force prior to 22 April 2014 is deemed to be a child arrangements order. A special guardianship order is defined by s. 14A of the Children Act 1989 as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). A child is regarded as having been in state care in a place outside of England if they were accommodated by a public authority, a religious organisation or any other provider of care whose sole purpose is to benefit society.

2. Sibling refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling.

3. Distance is measured in a straight line from a point in the property of the child’s home address (including flats) to the main entrance of the school. Distance is calculated using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system which is an integral part of the admissions software produced by Servelec Synergy. It uses Ordnance Survey data and is accurate to one metre. In the rare event that applicants’ distance measurements are exactly the same the place will be allocated randomly.

William Perkin Cofe High School admission's arrangements for entry into Year 7 in September 2025 includes 20 Specialist Language Scholarship Places.


Parent(s) who have applied for a Language Place must also fill in their home local authority's Common Application Form.

This Assessment Day will be held at William Perkin Church of England High School after school on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 4.00pm.This is the ONLY assessment session and late applications will NOT be accepted. 

Deadlines & Key Dates

  • Friday, 27th September 2024 at 12 noon: Specialist Language Application Deadline
  • Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 4.00pm: Specialist Language assessment day after 4:00pm at William Perkin School CofE High School
  • Friday, 11th October 2024 after 4.00pmSpecialist Language assessment results communicated to parents & carers
  • 31st October 2024: Common application form (CAF) to be submitted to your Local Authority, listing William Perkin as a preferred school choice,

FAQs for Language  Scholarship Admission


What is the Language Scholarship test?

  • An aptitude test, not a test of prior knowledge.
  • There is nothing you can do to prepare or revise for the test.
  • A listening test about pattern in language.
  • Parts is in the English and part is in fictional Language.

How do I apply for language Scholarship places?

  • Complete the online Language Scholarship Application form.
  • Complete your Local Authority’s Common Application Form.

What is the pass mark for the Language Scholarship test?

  • There is no Specific pass mark.
  • The Language Scholarship list will be ranked in order of the score achieved.
  • You will be notified of your child’s score via email on Friday, 11th October 2024 after 4.00pm.

Academic Year 2024/2025

In Year Admissions are for those wishing to apply for a place at the school during the academic year.

Applicant families are able to apply from the beginning of the Autumn Term and onward throughout each academic year. Parents and carers who submit application forms at the beginning of September will be notified at the end of the second week of the Autumn term. Should any places be available, offers will be made before the October half-term.

Please note that William Perkin's in-year process operates outside of co-ordination (with Ealing Council). Applicant families who apply throughout the remainder of the academic year can expect to receive the outcome of their application within 20 school days to allow measured distances to be verified.

In the case of there being more applicants than places available, the same over-subscription criteria as published for admission to Year 7 will be applied to in-year applications.

From 1st September 2024, In Year Admissions will be open for current Year 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 students only and will be subject to the Admissions Policy for September 2024 entry which can be found below. Please read this criteria before completing the relevant form.

William Perkin Year 7 September 2024 Admissions Arrangement

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In Year Admissions are co-ordinated in-house by the school. Parents/carers wishing to make an in year application should complete the relevant in year online application form below.

The assessment sessions for in-year Specialist Language applications will be co-ordinated by the Admissions Team, who will be in touch shortly after receipt of an application.

If a place cannot be offered at the time of application, you will placed on a waiting list. Applications will be ranked in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out for the current academic year and not in the order in which the applications are received or placed on the waiting list.

If a place becomes available the oversubscription criteria for the current academic year are reapplied to all those on the waiting list and a subsequent reordering of the waiting list may take place.

All applicants are removed from the waiting lists on 30th June each academic year. Those applicants wishing to remain on the waiting list must notify the school in writing via email to [email protected]

Unsuccessful applicants have a statutory right to appeal for a place at the Academy. See details in Appeals tab. Appeals will be heard by a panel which is independent of the Academy and the Governors.

Please contact Ealing Council In-Year Admissions for information about applying for other schools in the borough whilst you are on our waiting list. You will remain on the waiting list for William Perkin CofE High School, even if you are offered a place at another School in the borough.

In-Year General Admissions (for current Year 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 students only):

In-Year Language Scholarship Admissions (for current Year 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 students only):


Applicants have the right to appeal against the decision of the William Perkin Governors' Admissions Panel, not to admit their child to the school.

  • Main Round (Year 6 into 7) appeal hearings are held at William Perkin and take place in May/June each academic year
  • Sixth Form appeal hearing will be held at William Perkin and will be scheduled once the school reopens for the upcoming academic year
  • In-Year appeal hearings are held at Ealing Council and take place throughout the academic year

Details for each of these can be found below.

Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on School Admission Appeals

The Department for Education advice on admission appeals hearings can be found here.

Main Round Appeal Process, Entry 2024/2025

The Main Round Application to Appeal form will be available on the website from the 3rd March 2025.

In-Year Appeal Process, Entry 2024/2025 (If your child is currently in high school)

If you wish to make an appeal following the unsuccessful outcome of your in-year application, you will need to submit the Application to Appeal Form directly to Ealing's Committee Section - the address is included on the form. Instructions on how to obtain an in-year application to appeal form can be found here

Sixth Form Appeals Process, Entry 2025/26

The Sixth Form Appeal form will be available on the website on Thursday 21st August 2025.

The notice of appeal form for Sixth Form Entry 2024  has now closed. Sixth Form appeals were held on Thursday 11th October 2024. Supporting statements or additional documentation can be submitted via the appeal form (in PDF and/or JPEG format).

Late Appeals

Any late appeal applications submitted within the final 20 school days will not be heard until September . We strongly encourage you to submit your application to appeal upon notification that William Perkin is unable to offer your child a place at the School.

Admission of EHCP students is via the local authority. The Year 5 Annual Review offers an opportunity to express parental preference. The primary school offers guidance. In October, prior to the September transfer, each school will read the papers sent by the LA. Places are offered to students whose needs can be met. Parents are informed by the LA by 15th February on their year of transition of the school place offer.

Further information can be found in the SEN Report and SEN Policy below.

SEN Information Report

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SEN Policy

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William Perkin is unable to facilitate personal tours throughout the academic year.

William Perkin hosts two Open Evenings during each Autumn term - one for Year 6 into 7 pupils and the other for prospective Sixth Form students. At these events applicants are able to tour the school site and meet with current pupils and teaching staff from all six of our current year groups, as well as our Language College and Music College specialist departments. Applicants with Education, Health & Care Plans are able to visit our Additionally Resourced Centre (ARC). Headteacher Talks are held throughout the evening to provide insight into the school’s history, ethos and community in addition to our curriculum, pastoral and wider learning opportunities.

Open Evening dates are announced annually at the end of the summer term. Although bookings are not required, the Headteacher Talks are ticketed in order to arrange seating.

Please note that there is no on-site parking at William Perkin or available parking in the surrounding residential areas of the school site. We suggest using public transport in order to reduce congestion and to respect the rights of our local residents to access their properties. All evenings are expected to finish at 8:30 PM.

Outside of these specified events, William Perkin is closed to the public and is unable to host personal tours throughout the academic year.

School Admissions queries should to be directed to [email protected] or 020 8832 8950.

Ealing Council Admissions queries should to be directed to [email protected] or 020 8825 5522.

There are 200 places for year 7 entry in September 2025:

  • Looked After Children
  • 20 Languages Scholarship places.
  • Children with a sibling already on-roll at William Perkin.
  • Children who attend Horsenden Primary School and Edward Betham for whom William Perkin is the Nearest Maintained high school or academy, measured in straight line.
  • Children for whom William Perkin is the nearest maintained high School or Academy, measured in a straight line.
  • Those living closest to the School, measured in a straight line.

Why doesn’t William Perkin have a SIF?

Whilst we are Church of England School with Church of England ethos, we do not require a SIF (Supplementary Information Form) as the admissions criteria are not based on religion.

What are my chances of getting in?

School staff are not able to estimate your chances of being offered a place at the school. Distance are measured using Local Authority’s computerised measuring system.

What is the Language Scholarship test?

  • An aptitude test, not a test of prior knowledge.
  • There is nothing you can do to prepare or revise for the test.
  • A listening test about pattern in language.
  • Parts is in the English and part is in fictional Language.

How do I apply for language Scholarship places?

  • Complete the online Language Scholarship Application form.
  • Complete your Local Authority’s Common Application Form.

What is the pass mark for the Language Scholarship test?

  • There is no Specific pass mark.
  • The Language Scholarship list will be ranked in order of the score achieved.
  • You will be notified of your child’s score via email on Friday, 11th October 2024 after 4.00pm.