A invitation to you to join in!

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Dear Parent/Carer,

We have all seen many changes over the past couple of years, however, some things don’t change. One of these is the wonderful collective strength of many people who want one thing: in this case what a group of school parents/carers can enable to happen in their child’s school with regular contributions, large or small, to the School Fund.

So I am writing to introduce our School Fund to you. This is our invitation to you to celebrate our successes so far and to join us in making future ones possible!

The William Perkin Governing Body operates a School Fund in order to fund projects over and above what Government funding makes possible. Our School Fund is built up from financial donations from parents/carers and is held in a separate bank account to other funding. Use of the School Fund is decided by the Governing Body in consultation with the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (the PTFA), of which you are all members.

We all know that funding for schools is under severe pressure: a mixture of rising costs and government funding barely keeping pace. At William Perkin, we are so fortunate to have our wonderful building. However, there are always further needs in a school, which the School Fund can kick-start and support:

  • In the first few years, we leased and resourced the school‘s first minibus: this is now provided through our main school budget. We next contributed to the new Sports Pavilion (pictures below) and more recently, supported the school’s successful bid for a cricket square: this attracted £75,000 from the England Cricket Board and has played its part in making the school a Centre of Excellence in cricket.

  • We made a significant contribution, two years ago, to setting up a proper library at the school, in the LRC. And last year, we made a contribution towards the new kiosk for serving snacks and food in the Café Extension.
  • We have made an important contribution to the Sixth Form extension which now provides study accommodation for our growing Sixth Form.

Regular generous giving by you, our parents and carers, means that the School Fund can thrive for the benefit of all students and, during this coming year, help us create this exciting project.

As a guide, we ask parents/carers to make a monthly donation of £10, £20 or £30 per pupil educated at the school. However, all contributions are voluntary and will be received gratefully. This year we have set up an online giving page which can be accessed by clicking the 'Donate Now' button. Please be sure to select William Perkin School Fund to ensure your donation supports the correct school. We also strongly encourage you to complete the Gift Aid form if you pay UK income tax. By doing so you will add 25% to the value of your donation.

If you have any queries concerning donating to the School Fund please contact our School Fund administrator on [email protected].

Thank you for supporting your child’s education, and that of all the students at William Perkin C of E High School, part of the Twyford C of E Academies Trust.

Yours sincerely,

Amy Newman
Associate Headteacher

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